Day 7 – Los Argos to Lograno

17 09 2007

Longest walk yet – 30k. Left in the dark at 6.30am. Cos we got a wee torch (no giggling) we followed a group of Spanish. After 2 k the trail bears right. They missed it! We with our night vision didn´t. To be friendly we screamed our only Spanish a them ´dos beers pour favor´. Despite wondering who was ordering drink at 7.00 they turned around and followed us. When they passed us ( Alan needed a pee) it was ´mucho gracias´all round. Now that alan has remember the phrase he uses at every opportunity….

I ain´t gonna dwell to much on today as it was a slog. Keeping Al going is hard work at times although the thought of a hotel room and a real bath in Lograno spurred him on.

The romans could teach the pilgrims who first walked this route a thing about straight lines!

We got within spitting distance of Lograno then spent 2 bloody hours walking away from it before finally turning in the right direction!

1.30pm. Reached the hotel! and yes it was I who guided us there. Great room. Big bath. TV, the works.

Showered, slept, went drinking at 5.

Personally I am now drinking more than I ever did in Edinburgh. Is this because I have the time?…….

The plan was to get a meal somewhere and then hit the sack. Because we knew we had an easy day tomorrow we sodded the plan and spent the next 5 hours on a drinking spree around Lograno. Sunday is a well busy night here! 19 pints later we stumbled into the hotel and managed to find our room. Sleep…

A good day. Lots of walking. Lots of drink. Just how life should be.

Adios Amigos.



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